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Check out all the newest artists and YouTube community members who'll be performing live o Check out all the newest artists and YouTube community members who'll be performing live on http://www.youtube.com/live on November 22nd from 5pm to 6:30pm PST. (suite) (moins)
Three friends hike up one of the tallest Mt. Passes (12,500ft) in the US to skateboard dow Three friends hike up one of the tallest Mt. Passes (12,500ft) in the US to skateboard down. Closed to cars and all alone the guys hope to hit a sick longboard session riding miles to the bottom.
Western Session, a longboarding Mini-Series produced by Original Skateboards.
For more info on our boards check out:
http://www.originalskateboards.com (suite) (moins)
A fast ride of traditional animation (sorry kids, no Adobe Flash) with a new character fro A fast ride of traditional animation (sorry kids, no Adobe Flash) with a new character from Michael Jantze, creator of "The Norm" comic strip. Mr. Lux is only happy when he delivers five-star service to his hotel guests. This LXR Hotel orientation film was an official selection of Festival de Cannes 2008 Short Film Corner and winner of three Create Awards 2008. (suite) (moins)
A fun, comical sock puppet parody of the classic, mother of all college movies, "Animal Ho A fun, comical sock puppet parody of the classic, mother of all college movies, "Animal House" celebrating its 30th anniversary. Brought to you by Sock Tube Presents! This is a must-see John Belushi classic.
www.socktubepresents.com (suite) (moins)
Celebrated filmmaker Darren Aronofsky welcomes YouTube users back to Project: Direct. Sub Celebrated filmmaker Darren Aronofsky welcomes YouTube users back to Project: Direct. Submit your short film and you could win a trip to the Sundance Film Festival. Find out more at http://www.youtube.com/projectdirect .
Music: Slidey-Interlude by Project
More info at http://www.whatisproject.org (suite) (moins)
ARMY.MIL - Gen. Petraeus thanks the troops on Veterans day. http://www.flickr.com/groups/ ARMY.MIL - Gen. Petraeus thanks the troops on Veterans day.
http://www.army.mil/armylife/veterans (suite) (moins)
www.dtr45.com From the upcoming album "Good Morning Amy" Illustrated/Directed by Edreys www.dtr45.com
From the upcoming album "Good Morning Amy"
Illustrated/Directed by Edreys Wajed
Animated/Co-Directed by Robert Nicholas Dauphinais
download from Itunes
http://ax.phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net/WebObjects/MZSearch .woa/wa/com.apple.jingle.search.DirectAction/search?term=edr eys
or from our ithinkstore:
http://deepthinka.ithinkmusic.com/my-store/detail.php?page=L R&r=5568
or Pick up the CD at http://www.deepthinka.com/store
LABEL: DTR45 www.dtr45.com
BLOG: www.edreys.com
MYSPACE: www.myspace.com/edreysmusic (suite) (moins)
Be sure to look up SF Parkour at YouTube L!VE on November 22nd as we offer up live pre-sho Be sure to look up SF Parkour at YouTube L!VE on November 22nd as we offer up live pre-show demos and a performance during the main event!
Check youtube.com/live on 11/22
With the help of YouTube and Virgin America (in anticipation of YouTube L!VE later this month) SFPK tore through the international terminal at SFO. Hot on the trail of two cute, but extremely evasive flight attendants, the trio of freerunners go no-holds-barred for the first shot at the ladies.
With access to just about every area of the airport, and a great cast and crew, this one took longer to shoot than we though it would, but was worth every minute.
For more info on how you can get started in our sport, check out www.SFParkour.com
Music by:
Talco - Il Passo Del Caciurdo
Also check out Austin's channel: www.youtube.com/x3no
...Albert's channel: www.youtube.com/lethalbeef
...and SFPK's channel: http://www.youtube.com/sanfranciscoparkour (suite) (moins)
One Tree Hill/FREE SONG from Monday's show available at http://mollymarlette.com/discovern One Tree Hill/FREE SONG from Monday's show available at http://mollymarlette.com/discovernewmusic/ and please subscribe to my channel :-)
Porchisode number 2! Another homemade video from the porch. This particular video isn't as serious as the song.
Lyrics: The music's playing with my head
That old song reminds me of what you said
That something's missing if you could guess
Behind my smile and my very best dress
I sang to you
You said I used to sing a happier tune
I look up at trees that climb
Into an empty sky
Missing the stars we're supposed to find
It's never been enough
To fix this living in a city
Where smog is so thick I didn't get enough light
From the sun
The air was cold
And it didn't help to know
You wouldn't be there
When I got home
I didn't sleep last night
I got to thinkin when it got too quiet
So I picked up the phone
And suddenly I didn't feel so alone
You said keep your head up
Try looking down on the sky up above
Maybe it's all turned aroung
Well last night I tried that
I found the star we always look at
I've never seen it here before
I'm scared I've lost touch or feeling
I haven't felt that much
I've been lost in a haze
Or the sun isn't very bright today
It hasn't been out for days (suite) (moins)
Probably the most beautiful thing we've ever filmed. http://thinkgeek.com/af4c Probably the most beautiful thing we've ever filmed.
http://thinkgeek.com/af4c (suite) (moins)
an old lady dies & goes to heaven. Although she's in heaven, she misses her family. She fi an old lady dies & goes to heaven. Although she's in heaven, she misses her family. She finds an unusual way to re-bond with them.
music by assaf rinde. (suite) (moins)
Check out the first video of 'Inferno' from the recent J-Boogie's Dubtronic Science album Check out the first video of 'Inferno' from the recent J-Boogie's Dubtronic Science album 'Soul Vibrations.'
Directed by: Paul Encinas
Executive Produced by: Om Records & Jonathan McDonald
www.myspace.com/dubtronicscience (suite) (moins)
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Flagging at YouTube: The Basics
Lots of users ask us questions about flagging. Whether you're brand new to the Community Guidelines or looking to get a flagging refresher, check out this new video to get a closer look at how...

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